Life Is Messy

The nature of the work we're involved in is completely relational and as such it tends to be quite slow with many ups and downs. All too often the downs are more noticeable than the ups but that is the reality of many people's lives and as we get to know folk and walk with them we experience their highs and lows with them. Obviously this brings joy and sometimes heartache but we love what God has lead us to do. It's a real privilege to get to know certain folk intimately and to be there for them as they walk the narrow path with God.

As we began working in Chris Nissen six years ago we were let down more often than not and it took months and in some cases years to get to the point of being trusted within the community and now we're in the early stages of doing something similar in Macassar and Firgrove which is very exciting but also quite daunting at times.

So I've known Michael now for five years and we've become good mates who can rely on each other for help in times of need and the rest of the time we enjoy a good laugh together whilst also praying and seeking new ways of impacting CNP for the gospel.

Sadly now I must ask you to really hold Michael up in prayer. I blogged previously about his foster son Hayden who was removed from his care. Sadly the issues that lead up to this were quite deep seated and have been compounded since then. The long and the short of this is that Michael's marriage is pretty much over and he's seeking to divorce Joyce.

This is one of the biggest downs we've experienced with any of our friends in CNP and we feel like we're in uncharted territory as neither of us have any real experience of divorce. I'm going to arrange some legal counsel for Michael but regardless of what happens next, we'll continue to support them and walk with them through this difficult time. Please join with us in praying for them through this mess.


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