Go Now!

Much will be said in the coming days about Hodgson and the England team and most of it will be justified as once again we've watched a dismal team put in two dismal performances. Yes Rooney was poor but Gerrard was worse. However, my main beef is with a clueless manager. 

They say a picture speaks a thousand words and this picture doesn't disappoint. 

We're all ready for the World Cup.

How about you?

Thanks to Andy for sending us the bunting and inflatable hand. Much appreciated mate!

The Cotton Picker Eli

We had the privilege of attending the school's Music Café even this morning in which Eli was performing his first ever piano recital. We're very proud of he's doing given that he only started learning in January.

This picture looks like a scene from the dark days of the apartheid era, but sadly it's not. This was taken yesterday right here in the Helderberg Basin as some squatters were evicted from private land.

The tragedy is that the private land is owned by SANRAL (South African National Roads Agency Limited) which is in fact a govt owned public company) and so the govt and law enforcement agencies refuse to get involved hiding behind civil law and neglecting their duties.