Gross Weather

Being quiet on the blog is probably linked to the extremely gross weather we've been enduring for the last week. It has been raining here pretty much non-stop for the last five days which dampens the spirit never mind the ground and makes things very miserable. Apparently things aren't going to improve this side of the weekend. Great!

Dean preached on Sunday and once again really enjoyed doing so. He spoke about Faith with two main points being Simplicity of Faith & Strength of Faith. It seems to have been well received. Particularly later on Sunday evening after most of the church had been to Love & Grace in Mitchell's Plain for a celebration meeting. Dean received some very positive comments afterwards about how the sermon there had been a bit of a follow on from his in the morning. High praise indeed as the preacher was one of Dean's favourite local preachers.

Joel has had an interesting few days at school and on Tuesday he ripped up a task as he refused to do and told his teacher it was boring. Sounds scarily like his dad! Other than that things seem to be going well and his homework suddenly seems to have become a pleasure rather than a burden. He's learning to tell the time at present which is quite tough.

Eli's loving school so no change there. Once again we find ourselves having to plan his birthday party for a month before the actual day as so many of his friends will be away over the Christmas/summer holiday. That's a bit of a downer about a Christmas birthday out here. There are just over four weeks left until the end of the school year which is quite a scary thought!


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