After a couple of false starts the man from the municipality finally came to inspect the sewer pipe and concluded that they need to install a non-return valve on the street-side of the property. Sadly due to the extensive damage done by the floods last year the emergency budget is exhausted so he could give me no idea of when they will get around to doing the work.

Still, we've had a man out to inspect it and that alone feels like progress. It only took two years of trying to get this issue sorted, and we've only got this far after getting in touch with our local Councillor who put us in touch with the right person at the municipality.

The issue began during the flooding late last year when we had the delight of sewage bubbling up through the drain in our bathroom. I was able to release the screws from the inspection cover very quickly which stopped the flow into the bathroom, directing it into the garden instead, leading to the discovery of all manner of unpleasant items in the garden.

This combined with the flash flood in November made for a very nervous few hours as we waited for the water to recede.

Please pray that the municipality will now resolve it ASAP, I really don't fancy another winter of having to pick up other peoples nappies and sanitary products.

Right: A bird's eye view of our sewer. The municipality took some convincing that the problem was theirs but they convinced themselves by sending a camera down the drain.


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