Rather we've just finished our third Roadshow and once again it went really well. We were with Tuesday @ 2 a group of older folk who are a powerhouse of prayers.
We've been thrilled by the turnout for each of them so far and it's been great to reconnect with many old friends.
It's been a lot of fun and very rewarding but we're already feeling exhausted and are finding it quite emotionally draining telling the story of Tree of Life and introducing many of our friends to folk here in the UK. In fact our presentation moved someone to tears this afternoon!
It's made us very glad that so much of our Roadshow presentation is done by Tree of Life, as people are getting a true sense of what the church is about and what we're doing.
As ever we're finding that no two Roadshows are the same and this keeps it interesting as we're presenting the same material at each one. Having said that we're looking forward to the rest of this busy first week as we'll be doing a few different events as part of the Cheadle leg of the Roadshow.
Tomorrow night (Wed 12th) we're at our friends the Bebbingtons so please join us if you can, click the link for details.
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