... About My Home
This post was inspired by those social media posts about 10 of this or 10 of that, and I got to thinking that it was time to write a really positive post along similar lines, and what could be more positive than talking about my 10 favourite things that make my home the best home ever.
So here it is; 10 things I love about my home...
1. The people who make it home, I love my peeps!
This should probably go without saying, but I'm thankful everyday for being blessed with an amazing wife of almost 30 years and two sons that I think the world of. Everyday with this crew is better than the day before. There's always time in the day for a joke and a laugh or a touch and a caring word of love.
2. The faith our home is built on
A friend once asked me if I would be doing the things I do if I didn't have my faith. It was a great question with a really simple answer: No. I don't just share my home with Paula, we share our faith and our faith underpins everything we do and it's been a journey I wouldn't swap for anything. It also makes our home a welcoming and safe place for others and I love that.
3. Things that remind me of special friends & places around the world
Maybe being far from home focuses the mind on what you've left behind, there are certainly times when I'm wistful for friendships and places that are now very distant, but that doesn't mean we forget those friends or places. We dream of seeing dear friends again one day and revisiting some of the places we love the most and pray that one day we'll have the opportunities to do so. In the meantime we savour the memories that fill our home.
4. Family photographs and our wall of fame
Our boys think it's the 'wall of shame' but what's a home without photos of the journey a family has been on together? And what's better than seeing photos that span the years of our lives together? I love being reminded of our past times together because they shape us here and now.
5. Reminders of childhood
Our childhoods shape who we are as adults, there's no escaping that, but even the hardest of childhoods contain some special memories. For me no childhood memory is sweeter than my teddy given to me by my Dad when I was 3. My dad died when I was 18 and I still miss him, I also still love him and my dear old battered teddy.
6. The luxury of space to seek a quiet moment alone
We are very blessed to live in a house that has a big garden and we are able to walk around the outside of our house without hindrance and it's a lovely space outside and in. I love spending time in the hammock or in the bedroom reading and don't spend nearly enough time doing this.
7. Books, books everywhere
I have never understood how some people get rid of books after reading them. I'm happy that I share my life with someone who feels the same as myself, once a book is in our home it's never leaving! That Kondo cleaning guru would hate our house. LOL!
8. The art we've managed to collect over many years
We've been really blessed over the years and have picked up some beautiful pieces and managed to keep them with us as we've moved around. We were super blessed by some friends who once gave us a gift, but knowing we would give some of it away they put some conditions on the gift, the main one being that we had to spend the majority of the gift on something we would never normally buy for ourselves. What a massive blessing it was when we bought our favourite oil painting from a local artist, the picture has started many a conversation in our home and I love it.
9. Music
Music has always been important in my life and I love being surrounded by it in my home. I love that Joel plays music on his guitars, and I love rummaging through my small vinyl collection to put on a favourite record. I love listening to some late night vinyl.
10. My daft dogs who think they own the place
In fairness they probably do own it, but I love the life they add to our home, especially the garden where they are queens of all they survey. I love our dogs, they're part of the family.
The people who make it home, I love my peeps!

The faith our home is built on

Things that remind me of special friends & places around the world

Family photographs and our wall of fame

Reminders of childhood

The luxury of space to seek a quiet moment alone

Books, books everywhere

The art we've managed to collect over many years

Music, especially my small vinyl collection

My daft dogs Rosie & Daisy who think they own the place
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