Prayer Items

To the Faithful Oaks who pray so brilliantly for us

We're having a really good week and want to share some prayer items with you, but firstly we'll give you a bit of news.  A major breakthrough tonight...Paula has gone to church on her own in the car.  She hates driving and is never too keen to drive at night so this is a bit of a first.  Dean went mountain biking again tonight and managed to stay on the bike this time.  Steve and Jonathon (fellow riders) are very fit so Dean feels a bit of a lemon trying to keep up.  However they're very patient and encouraging, Jonathon tried to persuade Dean to join a 25km race at the weekend but Dean declined! 

Joel is doing well and continues to be an amazing catalyst for friendships and conversations with folk.  Still no sign of walking but he's really making great efforts to pull up, so hopefully not too long now, please pray for him in this.

Dean has been spending a lot of time in Chris Nissen Park (CNP) and has been visiting many sick and dying people in the community.  It is a real privilege to be able to spend time with these people and to be allowed into their lives.  We would particularly ask you to pray for the following people:

Patrick.  He is the 'father' of CNP from their days in the squatter camp when he would arbitrate in disputes and often lead Bible studies and prayer times.  Patrick is in his 80's, is diabetic and suffering badly.  His Dr wants to amputate one of his legs as gangrene has set in.  Patrick say's he is waiting for God to call him home.  Please pray for Patrick, healing would be great but so too would release from his situation.  Pray too for his wife as she struggles to nurse him and meet his needs.

Michael (Rasta).  Rasta is HIV+ as is his wife -Muki- and three youngest children, one of them is currently hospitalised.  Joel's upper arms are bigger than Michael's.  The family are struggling in all areas and are also experiencing a degree of alienation within the community.  They really need help (medical & physical), please pray that as a church we can minister and witness to them with the love of Jesus.

Evelyn & husband They are in their 70's and struggling with poverty.  They are 'part time' alcoholics only drinking at weekends from Friday through to Sunday morning.  This has a huge impact on their lives and has caused some practical difficulties for them.  A couple of months ago their son came home drunk and thought the side window was the door, unfortunately he broke the window trying to get in and this has meant that the family have had to endure winter with no glass in their bedroom window.

There are many more who need your prayers and hopefully we'll keep you updated with these prayer requests and more.

Thank you for being so faithful in your prayers.

Dean & Paula


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