Prayer Items

Joel is recovering well from his recent bout of tonsillitus. His appetite and character are returning, thank goodness, and we are enjoying having our boy back again! It is nearly his birthday, just 10 days to go, and we are busy planning a little party for him with his friends! We are also off to the NFI Africa leaders conference in Bloemfontein with Joel from 17-21 March. We would really appreciate your prayers for safe travel (about 10 hours each way!) and that Joel doesn't get too tetchy in the car. He isn't at all used to long journeys.

We would also appreciate your prayers for him as his routine will be undoubtedly mucked around for that time. Please pray that he will continue to sleep at night despite being moved around for babysitting purposes and that he will survive with different meal times and being looked after by different people for 4 days so that mum and dad can attend the conference. Thank you.

Dean enjoyed his first full study day today for his MA. It is certainly going to be hard work, but the challenge is very motivating for him. We are also attending our church membership course and have today completed the penultimate session. Please pray that as we join the church officially, we will be as much a blessing to them as they are to us.

Paula's cell group reaches the end of its first term this Thursday. It has been an exciting, challenging and encouraging 7 weeks and she is really praying for more spiritual growth in the coming term. Friendships are deepening and it is our prayer that the barriers continue to be broken down between women from totally different cultures. Please pray that some of the women will start visiting one another and that they will start to offer lifts during the winter months.

Dean's bible study group are having a morning out on the beach on Thursday followed by ice cream, please pray for us as this will obviously be a stressful morning - not!


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