We had a lot of fun on holiday and were blessed with an amazing house to stay in for free for the 2 weeks. The break came at a great time for us and the boys really thrived on so much quality family time together. Joel's highlight was the 'orange train' at the railway museum, we're not sure which train he's on about but it made a big impact on him.
Eli's highlight was probably learning to pull himself up and then cruise the furniture, he also really enjoyed the beach.
Our highlight was the peace and quiet after bedtime when we were able to watch some BBC Prime on satellite TV, Paula was having withdrawal symptoms from Casualty and Holby, whilst Dean watched loads of Top Gear and quite a bit of football.

The gorgeous house we had the use of for two weeks in Sedgefield. This was such a blessing!

Eli took to life on the beach as if he's been doing it all his life

The wind was strong at times but nothing like it is in Somerset West. Joel really enjoyed his windmill

We went to the beach at Buffelsbaai which is a safe beach for children. As you can see, we were fighting for space on the 7km stretch of beach

Contemplating a spot of fishing. Dad & Joel had some great times in the rockpools

Glider passing overhead on the beach

Joel at the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe train museum

Admiring trains of all descriptions

Joel wanted to take this one home!

Back on the beach, we managed 4 days on the beach, not bad for springtime

Standing is old hat for Eli

"This sand is a bit cruncy"

Lemur from Madagascar at Monkeyland. This is a rescue park for monkeys which were either domesticated or used for entertainment. The park is a single 12 hectare enclosure in which the various monkeys are free to roam. This is a brilliant project!

More Lemurs

Joel riding a monkey

So cute! a Ringtail Lemur

Daddy carrying Joel & ELi across the rope bridge. This bridge takes you through the tree canopy and allows excellent views of the monkeys

Mummy out for a stroll with Eli

Joel throwing stones into the river

Getting brave!

Mummy took swingball a little too seriously!

Joel at the Wolf sanctuary

Down to the serious issues of braai-ing

The N2 to Sedgefield goes over the Kaaimans Pass which has recently collapsed following severe rains and landslides this winter. The pass is only open on one lane and delays of 1 hour are the norm. Sadly, the landslides have also taken out some of the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe railway line so the trains aren't running

Another part of the road which had collapsed

The barrier on the right has clearly slipped down taking a large chunk of road with it
Eli's highlight was probably learning to pull himself up and then cruise the furniture, he also really enjoyed the beach.
Our highlight was the peace and quiet after bedtime when we were able to watch some BBC Prime on satellite TV, Paula was having withdrawal symptoms from Casualty and Holby, whilst Dean watched loads of Top Gear and quite a bit of football.

The gorgeous house we had the use of for two weeks in Sedgefield. This was such a blessing!

Eli took to life on the beach as if he's been doing it all his life

The wind was strong at times but nothing like it is in Somerset West. Joel really enjoyed his windmill

We went to the beach at Buffelsbaai which is a safe beach for children. As you can see, we were fighting for space on the 7km stretch of beach

Contemplating a spot of fishing. Dad & Joel had some great times in the rockpools

Glider passing overhead on the beach

Joel at the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe train museum

Admiring trains of all descriptions

Joel wanted to take this one home!

Back on the beach, we managed 4 days on the beach, not bad for springtime

Standing is old hat for Eli

"This sand is a bit cruncy"

Lemur from Madagascar at Monkeyland. This is a rescue park for monkeys which were either domesticated or used for entertainment. The park is a single 12 hectare enclosure in which the various monkeys are free to roam. This is a brilliant project!

More Lemurs

Joel riding a monkey

So cute! a Ringtail Lemur

Daddy carrying Joel & ELi across the rope bridge. This bridge takes you through the tree canopy and allows excellent views of the monkeys

Mummy out for a stroll with Eli

Joel throwing stones into the river

Getting brave!

Mummy took swingball a little too seriously!

Joel at the Wolf sanctuary

Down to the serious issues of braai-ing

The N2 to Sedgefield goes over the Kaaimans Pass which has recently collapsed following severe rains and landslides this winter. The pass is only open on one lane and delays of 1 hour are the norm. Sadly, the landslides have also taken out some of the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe railway line so the trains aren't running

Another part of the road which had collapsed

The barrier on the right has clearly slipped down taking a large chunk of road with it
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