They Make Me Proud!

A while ago Michael & Joyce spoke to me about fostering and whether or no it was a good thing for them to be doing. I encouraged them to go forward for the assessment process but also advised them to think seriously about the financial impact of any potential placement if they were to be approved. Michael & Joyce pursued this and have since developed a very good relationship with the local social services.

As I arrived at their house yesterday Michael was on the phone to someone and without telling who it was he thrust the phone at me, the woman at the other end asked if I could take Michael to court in the morning which made my heart sink. So asking her to back up and explain why, she informed me that as the social worker she needed Michael & Joyce to be at court for a Place of Safety order to be granted in their favour. Brilliant! Then, 10 minutes before the end of our bible study, the social worker arrived with a gorgeous 4 month old boy. Wow that was all very sudden.

I'm really proud of Michael & Joyce, they've grown so much in the 3 years I've known them, they've worked through some major issues and have grown stronger as a result. Yesterday was Michael's 62nd birthday, what an amazing present for him.


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