For the first time since arriving in Blighty I managed some time on my own with Joel this afternoon (I've missed not having much time with him) and we had a lot of fun. After the inevitable trip to Barbara's shop for some sweets we went to the swings where Joel got bored because there were "too many girls" there. So we went for a walk and I was able to introduce Joel to the wonderful British pastime of
Blackberry picking. Initially he was a bit skeptical about picking a berry from a bush and eating it but after watching daddy do it he gave it a go and was an instant convert to the delights of blackberries. Joel then decided that each time a car came past we would have to freeze on the spot and pretend to be trees. We even ended up with leaves in our hands to give it some authenticity. I'm not sure who had the most fun being so silly.
We're both very excited about going home and I'm a bit more relaxed than I was on the way out as we've managed to check-in online this time. Phew! We've both missed mummy & Eli and can't wait to see them on Friday. Paula will collect us from the airport and then at lunchtime Joel & I will go and get Eli from school. Joel has it all planned.
Grandad & Lesley with Joel at PizzaExpress where we had a really nice meal this evening.
I miss MY boy ... I'm laughing thinking of you two pretending to be trees!!! Hmmm!! Saw Lesley yesterday and she said she loved being with Joel and that he was SOOOO GOOOOD!!! ThaSSS my boy!!! xxx