One of the great things about leading a church is getting to decide what is and isn't important in the life of the church.

One thing I've always believed strongly in but rarely seen modeled is leaders praying together. I've seen leaders all consumed with the business of leading but rarely seen leaders praying for the sake of praying.

I realise business is important but prayer is way more important than the mundane!

As Tree Of Life Church began I got the leaders together once a month to pray, so for an hour the six of us would just pray. No business, just a quick cup of tea and time on our knees.

Over the last month or two this has increased to twice a month and now we all want to be doing it every week. personally I'm thrilled by this because I want the church to be known as a praying church but the only way the church will get good and faithful at praying is if it's modeled by the leadership. If the church knows the leaders are praying, they are far more likely to join in.

The added bonus of this is that as a team of leaders we're also becoming very good friends and a team you know you can depend upon.

What a pleasure to be leading a team with guys who 
are excited again about church and their faith! 

Look out Macassar!


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