Hand on heart I believe that we would be missed. We'd be missed for a few reasons but one of the main reasons is our weekly soup kitchen.
Friends on Facebook are probably sick of me posting about this but I love serving the community through the soup kitchen and it has become my happy place as I spend quite a bit of the day preparing for it.

We tend to serve three groups of people: local kids, a few commuter stragglers off the train and local poor guys. This latter group are some of the politest, most respectful people I've ever met and they in particular are very grateful for our soup kitchen. Firstly, they're grateful that in winter they no longer need to trek into Somerset West for soup, and they're also grateful that we've not stopped the kitchen over summer.
So in answer to Perry's question, yes The Gathering would be missed, and even if we were missed just because of the soup kitchen that would be fine. However, I know that the community value The Gathering and like how we've reached out to some of the most vulnerable and the hurting and for that I'm very grateful that we're having a positive impact on the community.
Enjoying soup in the late afternoon sun

The soup is ready to be served

It warms my heart to see Joel's passion in action as he serves the soup

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