Paula & I had just got back from holiday so we'd asked our friends Flynn & Sally from Word Of Life to minster to The Gathering and we're incredibly grateful for their faithfulness.
We were blessed because they've just returned from a missions trip to Istanbul and we received the overflow of the blessing they had received on their trip.
We began by reading Psalm 111 and our worship flowed out of the psalm into a phenomenal time in the presence of the Holy Spirit with words and prophecies flowing.
God's awesome grace never fails to astonish us!
As part of our Gathering we also took time to celebrate Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year, we're not bound by law but sometimes it's good to celebrat, especially as the Hebrew calander moved into the year 5777at sunset that evening.
Dean & Sally sharing a joke

Praying with Flynn & Sally

Praying with Flynn & Sally

As part of our honouring Rosh Hashanah, each member was anointed with oil and prayed over

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