Here are a few random photos from the last week or two which I wanted to post but didn't get around to.
The first couple are of our Soup Kitchen which is growing massively now that winter is here. The fact that we were regularly feeding 40+ people through summer was quite something, but now we're feeding 70+ and still more new people are coming each week.
It's great to see so many folk, especially our regulars and it's a real blessing to be able to serve the community in this way.
The top pic shows folk arriving for our Soup Kitchen, this one below shows Linda doing her school ma'am bit and organising the people before they come up for soup. It's great that more and more of our church members are getting stuck in and serving like this.
We've been blessed with bread and pasta donations lately which means together with the sandwiches from Eli's school we have plenty of food to give away.

It's always a joy to see Precious with our Homework Club kids and on Ascension Day only two kids came so she was able to invest a lot of time in them. Our Homework Club kids adore Precious.
That's Joel in the background doing some homework.

We managed a sneaky 24 hours away sans enfants in Cape Town and it was great to reconnect and recharge after so much busyness.

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