We've had some great feedback from some of their families and hearing how certain kids have increased their maths grades from 1s to 5s and above is fantastic.
Also learning that none of our kids are repeating the year is also great news, especially for one young lad who has been stuck in Gr4 for three years!
Now we're looking forward to finishing the year off with our Awards Celebration this coming Friday as we honour each of our kids and their remarkable achievements throughout the year.
What a year it turned out to be for The Gathering as we began the year with 12 kids and not really knowing what the Homework Club would look like. Fast forward and as we prepare for 2018 we've expanded from 12 to 32 kids and have a plan for 48. We're already full for next year and have a waiting list.
Unbelievably, we're also about to act as consultants to the biggest church in Somerset West as they look to replicate The Gathering's Homework Club. Given that The Gathering is one of the smallest churches in the area, we find this quite amusing.
There are two factors however that are key to the success of this outreach, firstly the quality of the material being used. Green Shoots' Maths@Home program is outstanding and is fully CAPS aligned, meaning it follows the school curriculum and backs it up all the way. Secondly, the prayers of so many of you mean that this outreach is tremendously blessed and we would ask that you continue to stand with us in prayer for our Homework Club throughout 2018.
Above all we're so thankful to our LORD for allowing this to happen!
The Gathering had eight Competition Winners in the last competition of 2017, beating all the other centres running Maths@Home

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