So here are ten Christian books I have loved all for very different reasons and at different stages of life.
Jim & Casper Go To Church was an eye opener and really helped to shape my idea of what church should or shouldn't be. Jim is a pastor who pays Casper, an atheist, to go to church with him. The point is not to get Casper saved, but to get an outsider's perspective on what we as Christians often think is OK for church. The most sobering moment in the book comes when Casper asks "Is this what Jesus told you to do?". For me, as a pastor I knew that I never wanted to be asked that question by anyone. If you're in church leadership, you really should read this gem.
As in my two previous posts, I've left the rest of the books in the order that Blogger uploaded them...
What's not to love about Moody? Especially when he stood up at a prayer meeting and said: "While our good brother here is finishing his prayer, the rest of will sing hymn 22". Classic! That's my kind of preacher.

This is probably the best paraphrase version of the bible ever, not great for serious study but a stonkingly good read and great for devotional use.

Once upon a time this really helped us make the right decision to leave a toxic church. I think every Christian should read this, Lucas's wisdom is invaluable.

This is such a good devotional book that I have the app on my phone and follow the Oswald Chambers Facebook page.

Keith Green lived a radical Christian life as well as recording some of the best Christian music ever to grace a stereo, this is so worth a read.

A classic that I read as a very young Christian, this is essential reading and really should be read alongside David Wilkerson's The Cross And The Switchblade.

I fell in love with Wiesrbe's commentaries at bible college and use them all the time when preparing sermons. This book on the cross is brilliant!

This has been read so many times that it's falling apart. Pollock's insight into a life of Jesus is extraordinary, I've lost count of how many times I've returned to read this gem.

Chris was the Principal of All Nations when we were there and it was a privilege to get to know him a bit. He was also the president of the mission agency we were with at the time. Chris's writing is so accessible, he has a genuine gift. His mulled wine recipe is also very good!

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