The big announcement was that the whole nation will move to Level 3 which means most economic activity can resume (though not restaurants, hair & Beauty salons, gyms or churches). We have to wait a few days for the govt to gazette the actual details of what we can and cannot do, but I'm excited.
I'm not excited because I can once again buy a bottle of wine legally, though that will be nice, I'm excited because I've had some thoughts about Level 3 Lockdown church and how we can start to reach out to others through our WhatsApp Gatherings and begin to grow the church again.

Another friend posted in a church group on FB about an idea for drive-thru church which sounds exciting, and he said we should be "standing on the promises not sitting in the premises". I really love that because that is what The Gathering have been doing throughout this time and we're not stopping anytime soon.
Roll on June 1st and Level 3!
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