Most of you probably know by now that Dad/Brian/Grandad passed away yesterday morning. It wasn't totally unexpected though we didn't think it would be quite so quick. He was battling leukemia on top of dementia, so in many respects it was a blessing to see an end to his suffering, especially knowing he was a Christian and his place in eternity is assured, but we're still heartbroken by the news.
He was a dearly loved father, father-in-law & grandad and we're very sad at the thought of never seeing him again.

We have tickets to fly to Blighty in December, the plan was to spend one last Christmas with him (and time with the rest of the family), but thanks to the current situation that was already looking like an unlikely trip, and now we've been robbed of the chance to say goodbye to him as a family.
It's also tough being so far from Lisa and the family at such a time when all we want to do is hug and cry together, but sadly getting out of South Africa is simply not an option for the foreseeable future.
Please keep the family in your prayers, as expected as his passing was it doesn't diminish the sorrow and pain.
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