So there we have it, from midnight on Sunday 20th South Africa moves to Lockdown Level 1 which according to the President is our "new normal" and won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
The restrictions around Level 1 remain inconsistent and irrational but we should be used to that by now so I won't focus on them. Rather, there is some good stuff in there which makes for good news and more encouraging times ahead. There's more info on the government website.
The first bit of good news is that churches can reopen properly and are now limited in size by the venue rather than by numbers, meaning that we can as long as we don't exceed 50% of the venue's capacity all is okay.
For The Gathering this is exciting given that we had publicly stated in faith that we were going to reopen our doors on Sunday October 4th. We believe God has honoured this step of faith and we can't wait to regroup as a family and begin growing again.
The second bit of good news in there is that the international borders are reopening and we remain hopeful that we will be able to fly to Blighty to spend Christmas with family.
The third bit of good news in there is that we have decided as The Gathering to reopen our Soup Kitchen for sit downs. We will follow all the safety protocols and remove half of the chairs to ensure social distancing as well as take temperatures of those entering, but we will no longer serve our soup from the door whilst asking people to go straight home. Happy days!!!
Please pray for this because we have quite a lot of work to do to make this happen from Thursday 8th October.

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