As the coronavirus appears to be surging again both here and around much of the world, it's only sensible that as a church we do all we can to ensure that we minimize any risk of spreading the virus, so we're doing all we can to ensure that anyone entering the building wears a mask correctly, sanitizes their hands and maintains a social distance where possible. Thus far it seems to be working.
It's been a huge blessing being able to Gather again physically in the second half of the year, there's little more uplifting in life than corporate worship, even if one has to do it from behind a mask.
Despite the horror show 2020 turned out to be, it has been a year of incredible blessings for The Gathering and one we'll remember for years to come for all the right reasons.

As a church we've taken the difficult decision to shut down for a few weeks after Christmas Day, partly to give everyone a break and partly to let the current rise in the spread of the virus do its thing without putting anyone in church at risk. Hopefully by the time we begin Gathering again in the New Year things might have calmed down a bit. Part of this decision also involves closing our Soup Kitchen on Christmas Eve, but we will reopen it again on New Year's Eve, so hopefully our regulars will be okay without us.
Despite the trials of 2020, it's been a joy to see our members growing in their faith and continuing to step out of their comfort zones in faith.
Errol especially really blesses us with how he cares for our community in so many unseen ways and it warms my heart to watch and hear him preach the gospel so solidly. Errol & Leilani were supposed to come in to Eldership in November but that took a backseat for obvious reasons. Please stand with us in prayer believing that 2021 will be the year of raising them in to Eldership.
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