It was gutting to get a phone call late in the afternoon yesterday informing us that the home of some of our Soup Kitchen regulars had been on fire, with the household losing everything they had.

But it was also a blessing as the community knows that in such circumstances they can turn to the church for some genuine relief and assistance.

Errol & I visited the house in the early evening and chatted with the guys who had now lost so much. We were then able to get them plenty of food for a few days, as well as some clothes and blankets.

We were also able to source a fridge for them which they will receive today, and we are hoping to be able to provide them with some paint too to help with restoring their home.

We are incredibly thankful for being in a position to be able to bless this household and thankful to God for The Gathering's witness in the community, as they know that in the ups and downs of life they can look to the church for help.

Thank you LORD!


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