I'm not sure why, but for some reason somewhere along the line we seem to have stopped taking time out just for ourselves.

Sure we go out for dinner once a week and chat over a good meal & a drink, but that just being together for the sake of being together that we are all so good at when we're dating or courting just seems to have got lost along the way.

So it was a total joy and a blessing to spend a part of Saturday morning wandering around the Nature Reserve for no other reason than to just spend some time together doing nothing much at all.

It's all too easy to hide behind the myths of being too busy, life taking up too much, church needs sorting out, things need organising etc etc, but the fact remains that we have to be intentional about spending time just being together, it's good for the soul and great for the marriage.

I'll leave you with this picture of a beautiful Lily that was just growing by the side of the path in the Nature Reserve.


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