As a church we are fully committed to the working out of the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5), so this morning we gave over our Gathering to a Seven Minute Challenge in which we allow members the opportunity to share God's word for up to seven minutes.

This morning Gloria, Linda and Leilani rose to the challenge. Each of them were diligent and faithful in their preparation and spoke with immense authority.

It was a joy to watch each of them speaking and sharing the word, but even more so to see how their different gifts brought different aspects of the word to the fore.

Gloria preached with a clear prophetic edge from Habakkuk 1:1-5. Linda's word was more testimony based on how God has been speaking to her and her evangelistic gift was on show for all to see. Leilani had the quiet authority of a born teacher as she spoke from Luke 8:22-25.

We had given each of them the freedom to choose which scripture they wanted to speak from and placed no limits on them other than the time challenge, and it was a real blessing to see each of them fly in faith as they honoured God through their words.

We can't wait to do this again with more of The Gathering's members.

Leilani speaking with the authority and grace of a natural teacher



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