As ever Shaddie was on fire and was stirred to share a specific word with two different members of church as well as having a word based on Daniel 3 for The Gathering.
This word fit perfectly with what God has been saying about the purchase of the building and it really stirred the hearts and faith of all our members.
It was also good to be able to reciprocate the blessings My Father's House have shared with The Gathering over the years, and this morning we were able to bless them with a brand new beanbag to help furnish their drop-in centre for the homeless in Simon's Town.But as ever, Shaddie & Liza couldn't help themselves and blessed The Gathering with a load more food. Thank you LORD!This is a timely blessing because this week we're due to take food to the three Soup Kitchens that The Gathering supports, so we'll be blessing them with a sizeable chunk of this donation.
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