Between the Old and New Testaments there is a 400 year gap in which the voice of God was not heard.

It must have been tough for the Hebrews to carry on in their worship with no sign of life from God.

Then the Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary and the silence was broken.

Suddenly, for those who were listening, life was full and rich with the blessings of God, and where religion may have been dry and dusty it was swept through with the awesome grace of the living God.

So in church it would be easy to get religious and dry & dusty by just sticking to a formula of a bit of worship, a sermon and then home again, but in doing so we wouldn't always be sure that there was any life in church.

At The Gathering we like to give a Sunday over to a Worship Sunday, in which members are invited to choose a song and share a bit about how God is speaking to them and moving in their lives through that song and their worship.

Today at The Gathering the sense of life and God's presence moving amongst us was awesome!

Thank you LORD!



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