On Saturday morning I rode with Paul & Pete to the top of Hanskop from our house. This was a big ride measuring 60ks with just over 1450m of climbing. Hanskop forms part of the Hottentots Holland range of mountains which enclose the Helderberg Basin. This particular mountain is a communications relay base hence the access road to the top. I was particularly pleased with this ride as I kept my heart rate to an average of 136bpm and burnt 3450Kcal of which 45%were fat burning. Brilliant! This was a great ride and excellent prep for the upcoming
Karoo to Coast 100k race on the 23rd.
Paul surveying the Helderberg Basin from the shoulder of Hanskop, overlooking Somerset West, Strand and Gordon's Bay. Table mountain is hiding behind the cloud in the distance
Pete on the last few metres before the summit
Paul and Pete at the top
Part of the view on the way down looking towards the ocean. The water on the left is Steenbras Dam, our local drinking water.
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