Anyway, my point here is nothing to do with that but to do with the bit entitled: The Palin Effect (see image to left) which is about evangelical Christians in the States, who happen to make up about one quarter of the entire electorate. As the exit poll shows, they voted overwhelmingly for McCain, whilst amongst other faith groups the ratio is roughly 2:1 for Obama. So why do so many evangelical Christians vote for right-wing political parties? I've wondered about this for years. In fact, I first pondered on this when as a young man (and a new Christian) some idiot told me that the Tory party (in the UK) was 'God's party'. At the time I didn't challenge this assumption, mainly because I was too young and immature and also a bit intimidated by this older guy. Today I would roast that kind of comment and would have a thing or two to say to people who hold similar views.
My problem with adhering to the beliefs and principles of parties like the Tories and the Republicans is that their politics are underpinned by certain assumptions, namely, tax cuts which benefit the wealthy and reductions in social services (health, education etc) which negatively impact the disadvantaged. I struggle to understand how a Christian can condone such principles when they clearly fly in the face of Christ's teachings. A quick perusal through the Beatitudes in Matthew should lay such ideas to rest.
Throughout the Old Testament there are repeated warnings not to mess with three groups of people: widows, orphans & aliens (asylum seekers et al). The warnings are stark and the consequences are dire. Zechariah 7:10 sums it up well: "Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other." There are many other scriptures on this subject such as: Ex 22:21-24, Lev 19:10, Lev 23:22, Dt 10:18, Dt 24:19-22, Ps 94:3-9, Jer 7:1 & Eze 22:29 to name a few. Just in case you think this is OT law and not relevant under the covenant of grace, check out what James has to say: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (Jas 1:27).
I'm not suggesting for a minute that New Labour or the Democrats are God's party either, goodness knows that Labour have been a dismal failure and Obama is only human so he will fail in some things. But that's the problem with putting faith in mere mortals. However, it strikes me that the early church in the book of Acts actively sought to address the needs of the poor in their midst by selling possessions and giving the proceeds to be distributed by the apostles (how I long to see a radical New Testament church in my lifetime). In fact the principles of caring for and reaching out to the poor/oppressed/marginalised etc. run deep throughout both testaments and should underpin our faith as much as any other aspect of theology. Sadly, this rarely seems to be the case, especially in the developed world.
I remember hearing a guest speaker at bible college dismiss the early church in Acts as being 'immature' and as such, church had moved on from such simplistic thinking. My response then is the same as it is now. The early church in Acts was the epitome of a spiritually mature church and a clear model of what we as Christians should be striving for in our own churches.
Imagine how different the world would be if instead of hailing Obama and his like as 'messiahs', the world looked to the true Christian church and hailed Christ's bride for the beauty she exudes!
Another beautiful post from you on this topic.
ReplyDeleteOh how I could go on and on about this.
Here is what I will say... Evangelical Christians and American Catholics began to start voting alike in the mid-80's and it just got stronger.
This all coalesced around the abortion issue and to my way of seeing things - as an American, as a woman and most deeply as a Catholic Christian - is exactly where it all went wrong.
While abortion was the anchor that the two groups were tethered to, other things began to emerge. If I am offending you or any of your readers in any way, I apologize... I am trying to report things as I have experienced them.
One of the things that emerged from the Evangelical/Pentecostal right (and I say that as it is not about all all Evang/Pent/ec) in their highly literal understanding of Scripture, which I say with due respect, began to ascribe all manner of things to the unfolding in their eyes.
So abortion somehow became a guidepost to the apocalypse and the apocalypse is something seemingly welcomed and feared.
From that it was easy to see a sub-thread of what is known as (loathesome in my mind) "the Gospel of Prosperity."
What it boiled down to - at large, was no social justice (widow, orphan- sure, if you played by the rules of those who would help you)elements, all scripture. Maybe if I said it was all law and no love, but that feels so harsh.
On the other side of the equation, the Catholics who at one time were big social justice adherents came into their own as a voting block and power. As a result, this undid a lot of the justice and the focus became very abortion oriented.
Sorry - this is so long. Anyway I think abortion is wrong in every way, but today with many Catholics and others on the Christian right it is the only issue.
It is hard for me to think that McCain is "pro-life" (o talk is cheap isn't it?) on abortion but what about war, torture, health care. basic needs, food, housing, etc?
This element deep sixed McCain in many ways. Until this year, Catholics in general would vote reliably on abortion - this year there was sea change the likes of which I have never seen.
So to your point - I agree about a true Christian church that is Christ's beautiful bride and get the focus in the right place. As we know all things work for good in God, with God, so let us work with that.
As a result, change does not come easily to those who feel so franchised... and yet isn't so much of Jesus about the disenfranchised? The very disenfranchised in all of us?
When someone starts wagging their finger in my face about some archaic rule I may have broken I can't help but think about that... but also to think about the many commands to love one another.
That is Christianity to me- Jesus came to show us that God is love and is only made known and manifest through loving and serving one another.
Which I talk about a lot but basically really suck at doing. I keep at it though.
Did I just hijack this whole comment? Probably. Sorry. More passionate than usual today!
Thanks be to God!