Yesterday was a public holiday as we enjoyed Youth Day, so Errol, Phillimon, Eli & myself took the opportunity to spend a few hours in The Gathering's new home knocking things about, taking down a wall, removing the counter and then fixing holes, followed by lots of sweeping and mopping!
It was tiring but extremely satisfying and for me it was a joy to watch the guys excitement levels rise as they began to see the opportunities the church is being presented by this venue change.Loads of locals wandered past to have a nosey at what's going on and the braver few stopped for a conversation, and all were very positive about what we're doing and our plans for the future.
It was also good to see so many existing friends in the community, I think a few people we shocked to realise how well known we are in Firgrove.
The old partition wall was hiding a few secrets including a mouse nest.
Eli was a great help!
With the counter out, the shelves down and the partition wall gone the space looks so much better.
Next we need to construct a new partition wall and do some painting.
It looks so much cleaner from outside.
A load of our Homework Club kids came to supervise.
Plenty more of this today too!
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