I had a sense that with the hideous cold and wet weather of late it would be a good night, but I had no inkling of just how good it would be. We fed 77 people which is the most The Gathering has fed at any one time, but what really struck me as we were serving was the sense of peace and calm over the Soup Kitchen. That's not to say that it's usually crazy, it just isn't, but last night it was such a peaceful event and it felt good to be a part of it.
It was a breathless evening and we didn't stop until the last drop of soup had been served. We reckon that we served about 50 regulars and had 27 new folk which is very encouraging. Word seems to be out that we've moved in to the heart of the community, and we know we're going to grow from here.
I love making our soup, it's my happy place, and I love our Soup Kitchen, but there are some other aspects of the evening that I also love... I love how our regulars always make sure the children are served first. I love how our regulars always make sure that those who haven't had go before those going for seconds, thirds or fourths. I love how some of the roughest folk imaginable are so friendly and respectful and always have a kind word to say, and I love how one of our regulars spent a few minutes clearing up outside and made sure all the rubbish went in the bin.
It really is a privilege to serve these folk!
Thank you LORD!
Cream of vegetable, it was very yummy

I had a sneaky link to Le Tour, I couldn't miss that stage!

Almost ready for serving
Errol entertainig the kids with a few games to distract them before serving
As the sun sets on Firgrove, The Gathering's Soup Kitchen swings in to action
The sun had set and it was time to clear up. I'm so grateful for Errol, he's got a servant heart and is a tremendous blessing!
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