It's also a joy to see our venue take on a real world practical use as it's packed to the brim with locals wanting soup and sandwiches.
Each week there's a lovely vibe as many regulars, and usually a few newbies, wait patiently to be served. Our regulars always make sure that the kids get theirs first and they always encourage any newbies to go to the front of the queue before anyone gets any seconds.
Last night we had many comments about it being our best soup yet (no pressure for next week then), and we even had a baby in who was clearly enjoying tucking in. We don't discriminate against anyone who wants soup. Last night one guy (on his way home after work) came in just at the end and managed to get the very last cup. It turns out he'd been waiting a while and eventually came in after asking Errol how much we charged for a cup of soup. On hearing it was free he was in like a shot and we were glad he didn't miss out.
After the Soup Kitchen a few of our regulars went into the shop next door to watch the cricket highlights. 😀
