The walk was brilliantly organised with one person being given a ribbon (for each stop sign) and the responsibility of praying for whichever topic they had been given. Then before moving on to the next street, they tied the ribbon to the stop sign.
I was given the topic of children and prayed for 3rd Street where The Gathering is. It was a great privilege, and the topic of children was very pertinent given that almost every kid in the community passes along 3rd St at some point each day, and we also host our Homework Club there.
It was also a huge blessing to realise that there were about six churches represented ranging from the URC to Methodists, Moravians and non-denominationals. There is strength in unity, and it's great to be standing and working with other churches in Firgrove.
It was only their second prayer walk and we'll certainly be joining with them again to pray for our beloved Firgrove.
Angelique (the organiser) leading us in prayer on 2nd Street

Gathering members Linda & Phil

On 3rd Street we prayed for the children of Firgrove

A decent sized crowd of folk participated
Firgrove is so beautiful and yet so needy!
Paula took a sneaky pic of me and some of our more vulnerable Soup Kitchen regulars, it was great to see them and humbling to know they felt so safe and comfortable around us.

Praying for Firgrove Primary School on Skool Straat
ps. Tekkies are what locals call trainers😉
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