It was so good to be doing our Soup Kitchen again tonight, especially as it's also a sneaky way to catch up with some of our church members.
It was a slower kitchen than normal but it was great to learn that this was because the Neighbourhood Watch had been busy distributing food parcels around the community today, that means a lot of people have got food for a little while now.
I think the big relief of the day is to learn that although someone in government has proposed banning NPOs and others from providing hot food to the neediest and most vulnerable, the Western Cape Premiere has spoken very clearly against the proposal as has the Western Cape Minister of Social Development who said that: "we will become more reliant on the cooked meals being provided by our department, local municipalities, NGOs and civil society at large" and went on to say in his press release that he: "welcomes Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu’s announcement that she will not ban cooked food provision by NGOs". This is a huge relief to us. The proposal is still before the govt but it would appear that Minister Zulu will kick it in to touch, especially in light of her comments in a recent meeting in which she thanked NPOs and others for all they're doing: "To all those NPO’s who are fighting shoulder to shoulder with us to ensure that our people are able to access food, I wish to express my sincere appreciation.".
It was great to spend the Gathering's prayer meeting last night really praying in to this and we thank God for the outcome which has been swift and clear.
Abigail & Kirsten are our brilliant servers
Neighbourhood Watch are being a real blessing to The Gathering
We feed all comers
Stunning end to a great day, thank you LORD!
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