
We're in the countdown for our trip to Blighty, and life just seems to get busier & busier.

In the midst of preparing for our trip, we're still juggling life and having to make some plans for the future, especially regarding my health.

We're really excited to be coming back to Blighty for a month, it means we'll miss a month of winter here, but most importantly, it means we'll get to spend time with Eli, having not seen him for over 18 months!

Time with our boy will be very special indeed, and we apologise in advance for making him the central point of our trip. We will prioritise time with Eli over anything and anyone else. Sorry, not sorry.

Healthwise, having stepped out of denial and chosen to face some issues, it turns out I have an enlarged prostate. So far all the blood tests etc are clear, so no major alarms, but I'll be having an op in August to address it. Hopefully post op I can begin to enjoy life again without  certain issues which plague a man of a certain age... 

Our Roadshows are shaping up nicely (actually that's a lie, we haven't started on them yet!), but we're excited to share about life at The Gathering, as a Chaplain and as a family (or what remains of it out here). Life is constantly changing and we've some news to share later.

I've recently been busy trying to maximise our space at our church building. The landlord still won't sell, and we're really in need of the bigger space, but all we can do is carry on faithfully serving the vision we've been given, and trusting that God will bring His plans to fruition at the right time.

So I've been installing shelves, putting our excess chairs out of reach and generally culling the stuff that's in the way at the back of our building. In part it's also about making space for more food so that we can bless our Soup Kitchen regulars and the community with food when it's needed.

To this end, last night at our Soup Kitchen we gave away a lot of recent clothing donations, and I was tickled to see Ronan in a high school blazer from the best local govt school, he rocks it.


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