Pronunciation: /plɔɪ/
Definition of ploy in English:
1. A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage: the president has dismissed the referendum as a ploy to buy time
More example sentences
1.1 An activity done for amusement: the eternal cross-stitch I was set to do before I could indulge my own ploys

Back To School

After what seems like the shortest summer holiday ever, our boys are back to school today for the beginning of the new school year.

Joel finally starts High School in full and is looking forward to all the challenges that will bring.

It was a pleasure and a joy to be able to Gather as a church for a braai (BBQ) knowing that we're together just for the sake of it, free from the nonsense we had to endure last year.

We had so much fun (as you'll see in the pics below) and it was great to get to know each other a bit better. For Paula and I it was great to see Joel and Eli playing with Yanko, I think they finally realised that girls aren't gross.

It was a great way to kick off 2016.

Happy Christmas

We would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Thank you for all your prayers and support through 2015, we've had a mixed year but the blessings far outweigh the negatives and we're believing that 2016 is going to be a fantastic year with The Gathering as we rise up to be more than conquerors for His kingdom.

10th Birthday

We can't quite believe that this little bundle of joy is 10 today.

He's not so little now but he's still a bundle of immense joy.

Eli truly is a blessing, he's always ready for a laugh, a joke and a bit of teasing and life would be very dull without him.

Happy 10th birthday Eli

Every few months we like to give our Gathering over to a Testimony Sunday in which all are free to share what God is doing in their lives. I taught into this on Wednesday and then encouraged everyone to make an effort to be there and to step out in faith as they share what the Lord is doing.

Wow what a time we had!  At 9:40 I sent out an SMS telling guys to hurry up if they wanted a seat because we were filling up with visitors. Praise God!

Simple Joys

For me one of the simplest joys in life is my time spent preparing the soup for The Gathering's weekly soup kitchen and then serving the soup later in the evening. I really value the time and space as I prepare the soup and enjoy thinking about the folk who will be receiving it. There's something very therapeutic about it all and this is topped off by the joy of seeing our regulars each week and hearing a bit about what they've been up to. It's also great to meet a few new people each week.

I was particularly touched by one guy who has been coming for a few weeks because he came to me at the end held out his hand and just said "I want to thank you". I've often found the poorest and most vulnerable to be some of the politest and most respectful people one can meet.


We're celebrating 24 years of marriage today and after dropping the boys at school we had a lovely champagne breakfast at Avontuur wine estate.

Twenty four years seem to have sneaked by but it has been an incredible adventure with God and each other.

Here's to the next twenty four!

Yesterday was one of those rare days in which one gets to see things that leave one with a real sense of being privileged.

As ever, it's always a joy to be running The Gathering's weekly soup kitchen, especially as we're getting to know some of the regulars and building trust with them. It's a very real privilege to be allowed into these guys lives.

The most amazing privilege for me yesterday was getting to see my real son in Joel, the Joel that no end of school exams and assessments will ever see.


I'd like to ask all our praying friends to pray for Michael, he had a mild stroke about 3 weeks ago and whilst he's up and about he's struggling with the loss of use of his left hand and he's a bit wobbly and has fallen a few times.

I'm gutted to see Michael looking so pathetic because he's far from being pathetic, he's a great guy, strong as an ox and always a willing helper.

Michael is a dear friend and a big blessing to us as a family and we'd love to see him restored to full health.

Over the last few weeks at The Gathering we've had the joy and privilege of releasing some of our sons and daughters into preaching and it's not been a disappointing journey.

This Sunday Rejoice spoke with genuine wisdom and insight into the Kingdom of God and what are we seeing, based on Matthew 20, the Transfiguration story and Isaiah 6. Rejoice's word was both exciting and encouraging and it warmed our hearts to see how well she knows the Word.

Soup Kitchen

The Gathering began our soup kitchen tonight and we were really encouraged by the initial response and really believe it's going to become an effective ministry in the community.

We put the word out on the street but didn't formally advertise the soup kitchen and we had ten adults and three children come for soup. We also gave some to the pump attendants who are always very friendly and helpful, they were pleased to get some hot soup on a cold night.

Happy Birthday

Happy 12th birthday Joel.

What a great young man you're growing into, it's a privilege to be your parents!

We're delighted to be able to reveal our new home for The Gathering!

This is the Shell garage in Firgrove and the location fits so well with three prophetic words we've held on to over the last year.

Firstly, we had a word about moving out of Macassar High School, we didn't and we were tipped out!

Secondly, we had a word about moving to the outskirts of Macassar. Well Firgrove is most definitely on the outskirts.

Amazing Week!

What an amazing week!

On Sunday Shaddie and family joined with The Gathering and after he had ministered to us he felt God leading him to release us as a church from the past into the future. As part of this he asked Ziggy and Philimon to hold my arms up while we prayed and as Shaddie prophetically released us into the anointing of God's freedom, released mandates over us and blessing.

This video clip is doing the rounds on Facebook at present and is causing a bit of a stir.

I first saw it on the Huffington Post website where it's become quite a sensation.

Bak 2 Skool

It's always a bitter sweet moment when the new school year begins.

I really need to get back into some kind of routine and crack on with stuff but I also love having my boys around day after day getting in the way, making too much noise and generally just messing up the place.

It's nice to have the freedom this morning to work in peace and quiet but I'm missing them already.

Both boys were excited this morning as they begin new grades with new teachers, though I think it's the thought of seeing their friends that truly excited them.
We have been planning a braai for The Gathering on New Year’s Day for quite a while now but I don’t think any of us could have guessed just how significant today would be. The day dawned beautifully and quickly turned into the hottest, calmest day we have had in months – perfect for a braai. We had bought enough food to feed a small army, ordered a jumping castle for the children, tidied up the garden and had had a stern talking to Rosie dog to behave herself!!

What a day of fun we have had! One thing that is clear is that in a relatively short space of time we have grown into a family who love each other, like each other and who would do anything for one another – what a privilege! We haven’t heard so much laughter ringing out from our garden for a long time as children devised new ways to jump onto the jumping castle (yes really!); Ziggy fell out of the hammock(!) and the new Chairman of the Ministry of Eating was announced from amongst us!

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and
a blessed New Year.

From all at The Gathering.

Joel At Busy Corner

Following Joel's school speech on homelessness and his challenge to his fellow learners to contribute deodorants for the homeless (See Local News), tonight was the night for Joel to go to Busy Corner and give them away.

Happy Birthday Eli!

Our beautiful, crazy little boy turns 9 today!

Nine years ago our Christmas was totally turned upside down by his unexpected arrival and today our little world-changer is still having that effect!

Happy birthday Eli