Following on from my post
Unfolding Tragedy on Friday which I wrote about a gang related incident on Thursday evening in Firgrove, I felt prompted to change church on Sunday and rather than preach (I had a sermon on the I Am sayings of Christ all ready), The Gathering spent the morning praying for Firgrove and some of the issues affecting her right now.
I set up four prayer stations (see the pic on the left) and gave a few pointers as to the kinds of things we needed to be praying about.
The Gathering responded magnificently and we had an amazing time together. Before we prayed at each station we sang a worship song as a prayer and then got busy interceding on behalf of the community.

It was great to see one of the gang leaders we were praying for rock up outside whilst we were praying about the gangs issue and it was heartwarming to see her and her friends singing along to the song we were singing.
It gives us hope that a seed has been planted and we will continue to pray that it germinates and blossoms in full.
Thank you Lord!
Praying about the gangs in Firgrove

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