I have to confess to a growing sense of anger over our lockdown.
I know the lockdown is the right thing to do, we need to protect the most vulnerable and flatten the curve to make it safe for all, I truly get that, I do.
What I don't get and am struggling with is the apparent lack of foresight and planning that has gone in to the situation, leaving the most vulnerable in dire straits.
Here in South Africa the President was lauded for his swift and bold stance, but quite quickly it became apparent that some of his ministers were far less capable. Sadly as time has gone by the whole govt are looking shambolic and the "swift and bold stance" is starting to look like a panicky knee jerk reaction that has led to a scale of suffering that is unprecedented in this land.

Here are two photographs we took yesterday as we attempted to deliver some food hampers in that community. We simply couldn't get any closer because the rioting was well under way and the sheer volume of people involved meant the police were powerless other than attempting to control access via roadblocks.
This isn't fear mongering or sensationalist journalism, just the actual observations of a couple of pastors frustrated in their attempts to help those in genuine need.

However, I really do believe that any further extension will see mass riots, protests and serious looting of shops and bottle stores (which has already started!) as the dying embers of cooperation fade behind serious hunger and fears for tomorrow. As I've said in a previous post there have already been riots over the govt's food parcels and yesterday there were news reports of grocery delivery trucks being hijacked, so things are already heading downhill. I just hope and pray the govt might come to its senses soon and act decisively to address the desperate need. More police in riot gear is not the answer!
On a slightly more positive note; today we had it confirmed via the ACDP that we can indeed operate as an essential service in terms of Regulation 11(b)(3) of Covid-19, all we have to do is apply to the Department of Social Development. The picture at the top is a screenshot of the DSD's website after searching for said permits. I guess it's a case of answers on a postcard please.
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