Eli was off with a friend for his birthday, celebrating in Montagu, and Joel had his long time buddy Sean over for a couple of nights so we were able to decamp to Kalk Bay to enjoy some down time.
We have to thank The Gathering for allowing us the time off and for stepping up and leading in our absence, you guys rock!
Weather wise we probably couldn't have picked a worse weekend given how much rain fell and how much snow ended up falling on the Hotties mountain range back home. At least that accounted for the cold!
In this pic the Hotties are seen from Beaumont primary school and give a feel for how far down the mountains the snow came. It's also the first time we've ever known there to be snow on the Helderberg, apparently it was last seen in '94.
As ever, no trip to Kalk Bay is complete without a few visits to Olympia Café and we had a good chat with the owner about how they managed to survive. Let's just say that we've all been reduced to the level of criminals as we did our best to survive and get by. So much of what was/still is outlawed was/is irrational and makes no sense. In fact, even now at Level 2 much of it makes no sense at all.
However, that's all for another post, but suffice to say that it was great to see so many people out and about with no fear of the virus. It bodes well for the road ahead...
One of our biggest joys in life (aside from eating and drinking) is spending time in bookshops, and we were pleased to see that Kalk Bay Bookshop has survived. We picked up a couple of gems in there. We also walked to Muizenberg on Saturday afternoon and picked up several books in Paper Moon, a secondhand bookstore there, so in all we've come home with another nine books.
One simply cannot have too many books and if anyone tells you otherwise walk away from them, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
So there we have it, a peaceful and relaxing weekend being with our besties doing the things we love to do. Hopefully it won't be so long before we can do it all again.
Olympia Café's rules...

Kalk Bay harbour

We've never seen the jetty so deserted

Not even a single fishermen to be seen

Olympia's kitchen

Tasty! (The food was good too)

The Hotties seen from Muizenberg

A friendly rivalry between two eateries

Seen at St. James's

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