Business Plan

We are very excited to be in the position to hand The Gathering's Business Plan 2022 to our landlord tomorrow.

A lot of work has gone in to this, not least by Paula who put in several long hours to get our accounts up to date and ready for The Gathering's accountants to once again sign off on the church's financial accounts for 2021 & 2022.

This also means that we've been able to submit the relevant documents to the Dept of Social Development to ensure The Gathering's ongoing compliance with the terms of our registration as an NPO.

The purpose of the business Plan is primarily to encourage the landlord to hold off any other potential purchaser of our premises and sell them to us. In faith we're believing that The Gathering will be in a position to purchase the building in early 2023.

We've outlined the vision and plans of The Gathering and made clear that we would use the building to serve the community in a number of different ways as opposed to any other buyer who would look to be making a profit from the building rather than serving the community.

Pleas stand with us in prayer for favour with our landlord and for divine provision to follow vision to enable the church to purchase the building.

Should you wish to contribute financially we can provide the church's bank details with a copy of the Business Plan.

1 comment:

  1. Many blessings and prayers for the Gathering!


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